River's Razorback Bella
Bella is a beautiful Black & Tan female cavalier. She was born in Arkansas and has perfect markings. She is registered with AKC and has been DNA tested by AKC. She has a very sweet disposition. She loves to play with Lexi and watch television. She visits local Assisted Living and Nursing Home facilities to spend time with the people living there. She's very sweet and loves everyone.
AKC Registration Number: TS33592902
AKC DNA Number: V832591
Champion Pedigree
Bella has many champions in her linage. Two of the most famous are CH Monarch Stealin’ Your Thunder and United Kingdom Multi-Champion CH Telvara Kopyright.
Her lineage pedigree includes:
CH Monarch Stealin’ Your Thunder
CH Telvara Kopyright (United Kingdom Champion)
CH Pargeter Bob Up (International Champion)
CH Salador Crismark
CH Amantra Tainted Love (English Champion)
CH Amantra Coastguard of Fairfield (Canadian Champion)
CH Crisdig Buttons
CH Telvara Kasanova (English Champion)
CH Telvara Top Hat (English Champion)
CH Crisdig Florida
CH Telvara Krystal Kascade (English Champion)
CH Telvara Krysterson (Australian Champion)
CH Crisdig Leading Seaman (English Champion)
CH Sunninghill Perseus of Lock Fee (International Champion)